Multifamily / Commercial

Pest Control

Protect your business from unwanted guests with professional pest control services. Call today.

Multifamily / Commercial

Pest Control Services

When it comes to serving your customers as a hotel manager, restaurant manager, or small business owner, every impression counts. Why risk harming your hard earned reputation with a pest problem? That Guy has the experience that is necessary to protect your reputation. That Guy can help manage your pest in any industry.

That Guy provides effective pest management that will virtually eliminate any pest problems you may have, but also work with you to develop a prevention plan to protect your customers and your reputation. 

Multifamily Services

Every property is different so why settle for a preplanned "one program fits all" pest management solution? Our Multi-Family property team is trained to customize a solution that works hand in hand with your property. Our free consultation allows you to learn firsthand what protection and programs that guy can provide your property with.

Our maintenance services are designed as an active approach to pest elimination. We don't wait for the "fires" to start and then go put them out, instead we actively and aggressively attempt to eliminate and prevent all infestations that may occur on a multifamily property.


When a property calls for a service request we are able to respond immediately, usually within 2-4 hours for all calls including bees. No matter where the property is, we have technicians in the area. We also understand the laws regarding entry to units and the necessity to give 24 hours notice, our scheduling staff works with your on site management to arrange the service times that meet your residents needs.